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Spain condemns maneuver to condemn Cuba in European Parliament

Madrid, Feb 29 (Prensa Latina) Spain's State Movement of Solidarity with Cuba (MESC) on Thursday condemned the maneuver by right-wing and ultra-right groups to condemn the Caribbean island in the European Parliament.

According to a MESC statement, on February 27, a motion from the Popular (PP), Vox and Ciudadanos (Cs) parties was debated at a plenary session of the European Parliament (EP) with the aim of condemning Cuba for its alleged violation of human rights (HR).

“This maneuver and twisted use of politics in reference to human rights in Cuba is not new, and responds to the interfering interests of the United States and the Miami mafia to tighten the blockade and cause a political change on the island”, the source commented.

It added that the purpose, with the eventual approval of this resolution, is the suspension of the European Union-Cuba Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement, “and they become de facto promoters of genocide against the entire Cuban people.”

The friendship and solidarity associations that make up the MESC in Spain recalled that Cuba is a member of the United Nations Human Rights Commission with full rights and the support of the international community.

On November 2023, the UN General Assembly condemned the US blockade against Cuba with the overwhelming vote of 187 countries against, two in favor (the US and Israel), and Ukraine’s abstention.

The EP cannot ignore the votes against the US blockade at the UN General Assembly. The credibility of this institution would be called into question if it supports and promotes policies which exacerbate the economic asphyxiation of the Cuban people, contrary to what is voted, almost unanimously, by the countries which make up the UN, including the EU members themselves, MESC pointed out.

It highlight that last November, at the headquarters of the European Parliament in Brussels, an international tribunal against the US blockade against Cuba took place, with the participation of experts, jurists and witnesses.

“It must be denounced that ending or suspending the EU Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement with Cuba means increasing the blockade against Cuba, trying to eliminate cooperation (…),” MESC remarked.

(…) and the fact is that these are the same politicians who support, from Europe, the genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza. On this issue they do not speak of suspending the EU Cooperation Framework with Israel for not respecting human rights, quite the contrary (…),” the movement pointed out.

From the MESC, we demand respect for Cuba’s sovereignty, the end of Washington’s aggressive, unilateral and illegal policies; we defend the right to peace and solidarity, as well as the resolution of conflicts through cooperation and political dialogue, the statement added.

The text was penned by 63 groups from all over Spain, including Izquierda Unida (IU), the Communist Party of Spain (PCE) and the Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE).
