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Continued protests reject closure of the Argentine News Agency

Buenos Aires, Mar 3 (Prensa Latina) Intellectuals, artists, trade unionists, politicians and human rights defenders in Argentina joined the demonstrations of support for the Télam news agency, whose closure was announced by President Javier Milei.

At the opening of the 142nd ordinary session of Congress on Friday, the President accused the almost 79-year-old news agency of serving the propaganda of the followers of former presidents Néstor Kirchner and Cristina Fernández and lashed out against such institutions and the professionals who speak out against them.

Organizations such as the Association of State Workers, the Argentine Workers’ Central (CTA) and the Autonomous CTA expressed their rejection of this decision and warned about the risks for freedom of expression and information.

In turn, deputies and senators from groups such as Unión por la Patria and Hacemos Coalición Federal criticized the announcement and pointed out that Télam, together with the national public media system, is a strength for Argentina and makes it possible to reach all the provinces of this nation.

For his part, Nobel Peace Prize winner Adolfo Pérez Esquivel expressed his solidarity with the agency’s workers and communicated the support of Servicio Paz y Justicia.

“What the president says is an offense to freedom of the press and to all the people,” he said.

For its part, the General Confederation of Labor expressed its “absolute rejection and repudiation” of this decision.
