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Internet portal to document massacre of Gypsies in Nazi holocaust

Berlin, Mar 3 (Prensa Latina) Starting tomorrow, Monday, an Internet portal will document the massacres of Gypsies by the Nazis during World War II, its sponsors announced today.

The director of the project, Karola Fings, declared that from now on it will be possible to consult specialized articles through the online portal, which will be classified according to the scenes of the crimes and life trajectories.

There is an erroneous trend to identify Jews as the only victims of the Holocaust caused by the Nazis during World War II.

In truth, Gypsies, Slavs, homosexuals, Catholics, the mentally and physically handicapped were also imprisoned in concentration camps, taken as guinea pigs for pseudo-scientific experiments and killed in various ways.

The political commissars of the Red Army and the communists captured by the Nazi troops were assured of death, by the evidence provided during the Nuremberg trials against Nazi officials after Hitler’s defeat.

