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Nicaraguan lawyer says US is Israel accomplice in gaza genocide

Managua, Mar 13 (Prensa Latina) The representative of Nicaragua before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), Carlos Argüello, assured in statements to the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation, that the United States is complicit in the genocide committed by Israeli forces against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Without the support of the United States to Israel, none of what has happened would have occurred, he said, describing the attitude assumed by Washington as cynical, and recalled that Israel is on a level with the most powerful country in the region, and fighting two millions of practically unarmed inhabitants of the Gaza Strip.

He added that the current scene of violation of the peremptory laws of International Law will be maintained with collaboration from the US, “therefore the United States is an accomplice,” he stated.

The lawyer described South Africa’s complaint to the ICJ, regarding the Israeli genocide in Gaza, as fair and necessary, and commented that Nicaragua supported it from the first moment. “One of the things that prompted us to act quickly was precisely that when South Africa presented the lawsuit, Germany said practically the next day that it was going to intervene in favor of Israel,” he highlighted.

Argüello affirmed that Nicaragua is saddened by the events in Palestine and full of courage to do something since the Palestinian people have been suffering for three generations and what is happening now in recent months is too much.

The lawyer also spoke of the issue linked to the recent lawsuit filed by Nicaragua against Germany for its support of Israel. “We have full jurisdiction against Germany, so we are complaining not only because it is supporting or not doing everything possible to stop genocide, but also because humanitarian laws are being violated,” he emphasized.

According to Argüello, Germany sees that Israel is practicing apartheid and keeping Palestine from attaining self-determination, in addition to the lack of actions to prevent violations of the fundamental rights of the Palestinian population, and for these reasons Nicaragua filed the lawsuit.

According to the lawyer, Nicaragua asked the ICJ to order Germany to cease support for Israel, in arms and otherwise, as well as to reintegrate support for the United Nations Agency for Palestinian Refugees.


Nicaraguan lawyer: US is complicit in the Israeli genocide in Gaza

Nicaraguan lawyer says US is Israel accomplice in gaza genocide.