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Brazil: 131 sentenced for attempted coup

Brasilia, Mar 15 (Prensa Latina) The number of those convicted for participating in the coup attempt of January 8, 2023 against the headquarters of the National Congress, the Supreme Court and the Presidential Palace in the capital city of Brasilia has reached 131.

This figure was reached after the Supreme Federal Court (STF) sanctioned during the week another 15 people involved in the anti-democratic episodes.

Each defendant was judged individually in the virtual plenary of the Supreme Court, when the ministers insert their votes in the electronic system.

In the concluded analysis, the vote of the rapporteur, Judge Alexandre de Moraes, prevailed, who proposed sentences ranging from 14 to 17 years in prison. De Moraes was followed by the opinions of judges Carmen Lucia, Antonio Dias Toffoli, Flávio Dino, Gilmar Mendes and Luiz Fux. Lawyers Cristiano Zanin and Edson Fachin defended lesser corrections than those proposed by the rapporteur.

The president of the STF, Luís Roberto Barroso, exercised his right to the punishment of the defendants in four crimes.

Justices André Mendonça and Kassio Nunes Marques voted for the acquittal of the defendants or lesser penalties.

For the majority of the judges, there was a clear intention on the part of a mob to unlawfully seize power, with the use of violent means, to overthrow a democratically elected government, in this case that of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

The magistrates also affirmed that the attacks constituted the so-called mob crime, when a group commits a series of crimes, with one influencing the conduct of the other, in a herd effect.

Therefore, all must answer for the result of the transgressions.

So far, the Attorney General’s Office has denounced more than 1,300 people for the coup acts.
