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Russia prioritizes oil, wheat and fertilizer supplies to Cuba

Moscow, Mar 15 (Prensa Latina) Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko confirmed on Friday that his country is prioritizing supplies of hydrocarbons, wheat and fertilizers to Cuba.

“We are prioritizing the issue of ensuring stable supplies of oil, oil products, wheat and fertilizers, a matter that is extremely significant for the Cuban side. A new loan has been granted to Havana for such goal,” the co-chairman of the Cuban-Russian Intergovernmental Commission for Economic-Commercial and Scientific-Technical Collaboration stood out.

At the 21st session of the bilateral cooperation mechanism, held in Moscow on Friday, Russia’s government representative highlighted that over 100 Russian companies started their work in Cuba by 2023.

In that regard, Chernyshenko argued that the entities interested in investing Cuba represent several sectors of Russian territory’s economy, such as heavy industry, energy, banking, agriculture, information technology and tourism.

Likewise, the deputy PM expressed confidence that in the near future the operation of Russian companies in the Cuba will have a positive impact on the indicators of bilateral trade.

“In turn, several Russian banks are mulling over the possibility of opening their representative offices in Cuba in the near future,” he assured.

In that sense, the leader added that Moscow and Havana agreed on exchanging in the area of interbank cooperation to a qualitatively new level.
