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Iraqi refuses to grant immunity to US forces

Baghdad, Mar 16 (Prensa Latina) The head of the security office of the Hizbulah-Iraq Brigades, Abu Ali Al-Askari, refused to grant immunity to the US forces, in the midst of the coordination for the departure of foreign troops.

Through a statement on his Telegram page, the leader emphasized that “the occupation has not changed its behavior and even its statements still indicate evasion to gain time and stay in the country.”

In this regard, he warned the government and those working to end the international coalition in Iraq and granting immunity to US troops.

On this point, he denounced the presence of spies in Erbil, who work to harm the security of the nation, and the area constitutes a forefront base of the Israeli entity. In light of the attacks against Iraqi Resistance leaders, Al-Askari promised a response for the assassination of commander Abu Baquer al-Saadi, near his home and in a residential area in Baghdad last February.

According to the head of the security office of the Hizbulah-Iraq Brigades, the Popular Mobilization Forces require defense by the state and the people, as well as respect for their leaders.

At present, Iraq is witnessing negotiations with the US side over the presence of its army and international coalition forces on the national territory after more than a decade.
