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DPRK decries Western double standards on democracy issues

Pyongyang, Mar 17 (Prensa Latina) The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) denounced the double standards used by the Western powers when dealing with issues related to democracy in the world, the ACNC agency reported today.

An editorial column in the Rodong Sinmun newspaper points out that the West talks about defense, reconstruction or world summit of democracy, when, on the other hand, it commits violations of sovereignty and human rights, such as aggressions against independent states and the murder of civilians.

The ‘democracy’ advocated by them is nothing more than a deceptive slogan and the main means to seize hegemony, because really, the policy should be one that reflects the opinion of the masses of the people, the official newspaper of the Workers’ Party of Korea underlines.

Its essence lies in making policies according to the opinion of large masses of people, consistently defending their interests and truly providing all the people with true freedom, rights and a happy material and cultural life, the publication stresses.

But the democracy proclaimed by the imperialists is that of the U.S. style, which is of no use to the people,’ the newspaper considers.

They impose the reactionary and anti-people US-style democracy in order to maintain and consolidate Washington’s dominatino over world order, Rodong Sinmun denounces.

History has shown that a country and a nation are ruined if they accept U.S.-style democracy by being deceived and surrendering to the pressure of the White House, the newspaper adds.

There is no way to disguise the deceitful and aggressive nature of the ‘democracy assurance’ that the U.S. government is talking about with great fanfare, it concludes.
