Friday, July 26, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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Cuba maintains popular commitment to confront U.S. blockade

Havana, Mar 18 (Prensa Latina) Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel reiterated the will to confront the U.S. blockade and boost the country's economic development, and reaffirmed the government's commitment to the population.

In his profile on the social network X, the president said: We will not get tired of fighting against the #BloqueoGenicida(#GenocideBlockade) nor of explaining to the people the causes of the problems and the government’s efforts to move the economy forward. #JuntosSomosMásFuertes (TogetherWeAreStronger).

Díaz-Canel denounced the previous day’s unsuccessful attempts by the “infamous group of “mediocre politicians and terrorists in social media” who from South Florida encouraged riots in the streets of Cuba through interference messages and calls for chaos, and noted that “they were left with the desire”.

The Cuban head of State reported on Sunday that several people expressed (around the Antonio Maceo district, in the eastern province of Santiago de Cuba) their dissatisfaction with the situation of the electricity service and food distribution.

This – he said – was taken advantage of through the artificial multiplication of hate messages and subversive content disseminated on social media and anti-Cuban sites, which distorted and manipulated the claim of those citizens.

The disposition of the authorities of the Communist Party of Cuba, of the State and of the Government is to attend to the demands of our people, to listen, to dialogue, to explain the numerous steps being taken to improve the situation, always in an atmosphere of tranquility, he argued.

In his messages in X today, Díaz-Canel used a thought of the historic leader of the Revolution Fidel Castro on the autochthonous and strength of the project of social transformations that the island has been promoting since 1959:

“If over there they made revolutions of playing cards and meringue, the Cuban one is not of playing cards or meringue, the Cuban one is of steel and was autochthonous, nobody brought it to us, we brought it and we defended it ourselves; it is written with sacrifices, it is written with blood.”
