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name of Prensa Latina
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Cubans to reflect on Washington’s interventionist actions

Havana, Mar 18 (Prensa Latina) The role of the United States blockade against Cuba, as well as that of the US Embassy in Havana and the provocative plans from Florida to encourage unrest in the country, will be addressed here on Monday.

The Mesa Redonda (Round Table) radio and television program will reflect on the events that took place on Sunday, when a group of people took to the streets to express their dissatisfaction with the current power generation services and food distribution, which they wanted to be used to promote chaos in several cities throughout Cuba.

The events motivated the presence of the political and administrative authorities in Santiago de Cuba and Matanzas provinces to explain the causes of these difficulties and process the demands.

On his X account on Sunday, President Miguel Díaz-Canel denounced the artificial multiplication of messages of hatred and subversive contents on social network and anti-Cuba websites, which distorted and manipulated those citizens’ demands.

He expressed the willingness of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), the State and the Government to serve the people, “listen, dialogue, explain the numerous efforts being made to improve the situation, always in an atmosphere of tranquility.”

We will not get tired of fighting against the #GenocidalBlockade or explaining to the people the causes of the problems and the government’s efforts to make the economy move forward, he emphasized in one of his messages.
