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Diaz-Canel says “Cuba to lend a hand to Gazans”

Havana, Mar 19 (Prensa Latina) Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel assured on Tuesday that Cuba will lend a hand to Gazans by supporting young Palestinians who are studying various tertiary majors in this country.

Visiting the stand of the pan-Arab satellite network Al Mayadeen, at the exhibition fair of the third Patria International Colloquium, the head of State stressed that what Palestinians are living through is an extermination and a brutal genocide; hence, the urgency to stop it.

“Bombings must stop and the people must be heard. Thus, Cuba, as we have stated on other occasions, will vigorously denounce what is happening in the Gaza Strip,” the president added after observing, by virtual reality, the destruction in that area.

Diaz-Canel affirmed that what these images show turns out very hard reaffirming Cuba’s conviction of solidarity with Gaza.

The head of State, accompanied by Prime Minister Manuel Marrero, granted that participants in this genocide will be condemned by history and will also have the burden of conscience, because those incidents are intolerable and violate human dignity.

Regarding the hostility of the U.S. Government against Cuba and its support to Zionism, Diaz-Canel ensured that as long as imperialism and capitalism exist, this policy, which is totally coherent with Washington’s hegemonic expressions, will not change.

In view of that reality, the president noted that the peoples must continue to defend their humanist, ethical and solidarity essence, fighting for a new international economic order, based on peace and cooperation.
