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3rd Patria International Colloquium concludes in Cuba

Havana, Mar 20 (Prensa Latina) The 3rd Patria International Colloquium in Havana concludes after more than a hundred delegates from 31 countries of four continents discussed digital communication during the previous days.

This Tuesday, researchers, popular leaders, and activists will continue their debate on a New World Information and Communication Order that considers all voices in the face of the totalitarian mightiness of the great centers of power.

A conference is planned on “Communication and journalism from the global South: possibilities of an alternative press”, as well as a panel whose central theme is “The discourses of the extreme right: hate, conservatism and reaction”.

Another topic will be “Communication and information as centers of global political dispute”, as well as the left in the United States and the changes imposed by artificial intelligence in global systems of domination.

A final declaration is planned for the closing of the event.

The president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, spoke last Tuesday with the participants in the Colloquium and thanked them for being in Cuba in these difficult times.

During the dialogue, the president assured that the Patria Colloquium has created a family, and Cuba always looks forward to this meeting because communication spaces are vital.
