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Guatemalan Party demands an end to the blockade against Cuba

Guatemala City, Mar 21 (Prensa Latina) The Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity party (URNG) demanded the end of the blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba. This siege causes suffering for the Cuban people and also provokes destabilizing actions.

The political group expressed in a statement that the government of the United States, in its desire to maintain its hegemony over other nations, used the events of March 17th in Cuba in a manipulative way. That day, groups of citizens in eastern Cuba went on a rally to protest about the difficulties impacting them, particularly the shortages of electric energy and food.

“Cynically, the URNG stressed, the imperialism, through its representatives in Cuba, dares to “demand” that the Cuban government “solve” the problems that they have created and encouraged through their interventionist, arrogant, destabilizing, inhumane, genocidal policies, trying for over 60 years to stifle Cuba economically and to generate social outbreaks”.

“The goal of the United States is to break the unity that the Cuban people have with their revolutionary government, and get them to overthrow it,” the URNG added in its statement. “We know, and the world knows, that the inhabitants of Cuba are aware of what their revolution has meant and that they are unwilling to return to a neocolonial, neoliberal Cuba,” it remarked.

The Uruguayan party expressed its confidence that the people of Cuba will remain firm in defense of their sovereignty and independence. “The intensification of the brutal blockade, in its multiple forms, the destabilizing plan based on psychological actions, and the investment of millions of dollars, have limited the economic growth of Cuba.”

The URNG reiterated to the United States government its request to eliminate, once and for all, the brutal economic blockade, remove Cuba from the arbitrary list of states that allegedly sponsor terrorism, and put an end to the mechanisms that obstruct the importation of supplies such as fuel, food and others that Cuba needs. It also included the demand that Joe Biden’s administration stop persecuting and blocking all of Cuba’s financial transactions worldwide, and to stop the harassment against medical and other cooperation programs that Cuba provides in solidarity with the world.

The party called on the international community to speak out against the actions of the United States imperialist government, aimed at affecting Cuba, and assured that the island is not alone.
