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Syria calls to lift unjust US blockade imposed on Cuba

Damascus, Mar 21 (Prensa Latina) The Syrian Government called on the international community on Thursday to assume its responsibilities to lift the blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba for more than six decades.

If Washington is concerned about the Cuban people, it would have lifted the US blockade immediately, thus satisfying the basic needs of the Cuban people and allowing them to achieve the sustainable development they need, the Syrian Foreign Ministry expressed in a statement released by the media in this capital this Thursday.

The document added that Washington should allow freedom of navigation to Cuban ports and the arrival of oil derivatives and lift financial restrictions on Cuban banks so that they can import the essential materials the Cuban people need.

The complex economic situation in Cuba, undoubtedly, is due to Washington’s immoral policies and its illegal sanctions, represented by the stifling financial, commercial, and economic blockade that has lasted for more than 64 years, the statement affirmed.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry strongly condemned the blatant US interference in Cuba’s internal affairs and Washington’s approach based on incitement, distorting events, and raising baseless accusations to destabilize the situation.

According to the note, Washington is taking advantage of the complex economic conditions the Cuban people are experiencing, knowing that it is the leading cause of these problems. The Ministry also reiterated its support for Havana in confronting the challenges and condemnation of the sanctions and the inhumane blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba and other countries.

On Wednesday, the Association of Syrian Graduates in Cuban Universities expressed in a press release its energetic condemnation of the hostile and harmful policies of the United States on Cuba.
