Friday, July 26, 2024
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Syria condemns interference in Cuba’s internal affairs

Damascus, Mar 21 (Prensa Latina) The Syrian government today expressed its resounding rejection of the U.S. administration's attempts to interfere in the internal affairs of Cuba.

We strongly condemn this flagrant interference by Washington in the internal affairs of Cuba, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement released to the official media.

The text expressed Damascus’ rejection of Washington’s approach based on incitement, distortion of facts and unfounded accusations.

The statement expressed support for the urgent precautionary measures taken by the authorities to find, through positive initiatives, solutions to the economic problems faced by the Cuban people.

The day before, the Association of Syrian Graduates in Cuban Universities expressed in a statement its energetic condemnation of the hostile and harmful policy of the United States on the island.

The entity considered that similar interference and slanderous acts of Washington were carried out by the Empire in Syria and other Arab nations during the so-called “Arab Spring” and only brought chaos and death.

The Ministry considers that the difficult economic situation and the shortages and difficulties faced daily by the population are due to the impact of the blockade imposed for more than six decades.
