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Cuba calls to prevent privatization of scientific knowledge

Brussels, Mar 22 (Prensa Latina) Renowned Cuban immunologist Agustín Lage called on Friday to prevent the privatization of scientific knowledge, due to its impact on human health, while speaking at a forum on development and integration in this capital.

Lage, an advisor to the Presidency of the Biotech-Pharmaceutical group BioCubaFarma, spoke on the second day of the European Union (EU)-Latin America and the Caribbean High-Level Forum on “Inclusive Human Development and Equitable Access to Health Products” as part of a panel on inter-regional challenges and experiences in these areas.

In the discussion on regulatory frameworks, the Cuban scientist called for joint work to prevent intellectual property from becoming an instrument for the privatization of knowledge.

He stressed that we must also work to ensure that regulations do not become barriers to trade and obstacles to the necessary decentralization of productive capacities, which will always affect the least developed countries.

Cuba participated in the event with a delegation headed by Ileana Morales, director of Science and Technological Innovation at the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP), and Cuban Ambassador to Belgium and the European Union Yaira Jiménez.

Regarding the potentialities for cooperation between the EU and Latin American and Caribbean, Lage advocated promoting it by proposing joint projects for developing innovative products and complex interventions in population health.
