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NATO claims to be prepared for a conflict with Russia

Brussels, Mar 22 (Prensa Latina) Without talking about time frames, the head of the Military Committee of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Rob Bauer, affirmed on Friday that the organization is prepared for a conflict with Russia.

The warmongering rhetoric escalated after the admissions made by French President Emmanuel Macron about his country’s participation in the Ukrainian conflict and his intention to prevent Russia’s victory at all costs.

Are we ready? The answer is yes, that is our main task, the admiral confessed in statements to the online channel Armyinform, of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, and quoted here by local media.

NATO began to analyze such a possibility in 2014, after Crimea became a part of Russian territory, the senior military chief stated in reference to the events that followed on that peninsula, after the coup d’état perpetrated that year by the right wing in Kiev, with support from the neofascists.

In 2019, the military bloc began to return to collective security by introducing changes in the strategy, operational planning and modernization of the armed forces of its member countries, Bauer confirmed.

The Atlantic alliance lacks any plan to send troops to the confrontation in Ukraine, but if a particular state wishes to do so, it must take into account that this will have a close relationship with the rest of the members of that organization, the official explained.

On Friday, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban warned that some Western states want to send their military to Ukraine in the near future and estimated that politicians in Brussels are waging a war against Russia on the side of the Ukrainian regime.
