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US draft for immediate ceasefire in Gaza up for vote at UN

United Nations, Mar 22 (Prensa Latina) The UN Security Council will vote on a resolution for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, presented this time by the United States after vetoing it in another three occasions.

The resolution calls for stopping the conflict, linked to the release of the hostages held by Hamas.

According to the draft, which was circulated to the press, an immediate and sustained ceasefire is “imperative” to protect civilians on all sides, enable the provision of essential humanitarian assistance, and alleviate humanitarian suffering. Furthermore, the Council should “unequivocally support the ongoing international diplomatic efforts to achieve such a ceasefire concerning the release of all remaining hostages.”

Although this is the strongest proposal put forward by the United States – which holds one of the five permanent seats on the Security Council – the language used appears to recognize the importance of the cessation of hostilities rather than demand it.

Nate Evans, spokesman for US permanent ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, said in a statement on Thursday that the measure “is an opportunity for the Council to speak with one voice.” The draft seeks to “support the diplomacy that is developed on the ground and put pressure on Hamas to accept the agreement that is on the table,” added the spokesman, whose statements confirm the ambiguity of the proposal.

In February, the United States was the only country to vote against a draft resolution presented by Algeria, arguing that calling for an “immediate” end to hostilities may jeopardize negotiations between the parties.

According to analysts, the United States’ hardened position now seems to respond to the progress of the negotiations, the worsening of the humanitarian situation for trapped civilians and the constant complaints of lack of access by organizations on the ground.
