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Hezbollah launches drones against Israeli anti-aircraft platforms (+Photos)

Beirut, Mar 23 (Prensa Latina) The Lebanese Axis of Resistance: Hezbollah launched on Saturday suicide drones against two Iron Dome platforms of the Israeli air defense site of Kfar Blum.

In a statement, Hezbollah confirmed a direct hit in the suicide drone attack on the aforementioned enemy position, in ongoing operations to back Gaza and Palestinian fighters.

According to Israeli news outlets, the sirens had not been activated prior to the action, which caused a fire at the site, so that they were seriously concerned over the entity’s circles due to the incident in Kfar Blum.

On early Saturday, the Axis of Resistance launched artillery actions against the Israeli barracks in the Ramim settlement, the Bayad Blida military position and the spy facilities at the Radar site, the latter in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms.

Previously, the chairman of the Mateh Asher Regional Council and head of the Front Line Forum, Moshe Davidovich, confirmed that Israel’s deterrence capability against Hezbollah is at its lowest peak currently.

Cited by the Maariv newspaper, Davidovich stated that Israeli deterrence is seriously damaged, and all the leading authorities on the Front Line urged the Security Cabinet to create a new equation in the response to the Axis of Resistance.
