Friday, July 26, 2024
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Investigation into Romero’s assassination in El Salvador stopped

San Salvador, Mar 24 (Prensa Latina) The investigation into the assassination of Monsignor Oscar Arnulfo Romero in El Salvador has been on hold for a year, according to one of the plaintiff lawyers.

Attorney Alejandro Díaz, a member of Tutela Legal “Dra. María Julia Hernández,” said on Sunday that there is a lack of judicial proceedings in the criminal case in which those responsible for the crime 44 years ago are being investigated and the alleged perpetrators live in impunity.

The case was opened in March 2017, and is currently in the Fourth Investigative Court of San Salvador against Captain Alvaro Saravia, who was accused of being the perpetrator of the assassination, but the latest efforts date back to 2023 and no progress has been seen, according to the jurist.

There is no substantial progress on the part of the court or the Prosecutor’s Office to do justice and make reparation as stated in a resolution from the Inter-American Commission on the case, the plaintiff noted.

He pointed out that the case remains intact, with no judicial movements, neither by the court nor by the Attorney General’s Office.

“Monsignor Romero is already a universal saint and his case, unfortunately, stains our country with total impunity,” he stressed.

According to the facts, a shot to the heart ended the life of the Archbishop of San Salvador, Monsignor Romero y Galdámez, on March 24, 1980, while he was officiating mass around 6:30 p.m., in the chapel of the Divina Providencia Hospital.
