Friday, July 26, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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Díaz-Canel tours the economic centers of the western province of Cuba

Havana, March 25 (Prensa Latina) The president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, today toured production centers in the western province of Pinar del Río, with the aim of analyzing the problems of the territory and contributing to the search for solutions.

Accompanied by the Secretary of Organization of the Communist Party of Cuba, Roberto Morales, the head of state arrived at the Minas de Mata Hambre municipality.

The president began his tour of the Basic Cooperative Production Unit “Los Burros”, which belongs to the Tobacco Collection and Processing Company of that territory.

During a dialogue with the workers, Díaz-Canel called for increasing food production and assured that “if more food is produced for the population, prices will go down.”

As reported by the Presidency of the Republic on the social network develop livestock activity.

The Cuban president spoke this Monday with residents of the Sumidero Popular Council, to whom he shared the certainty that “together we can move the country forward” and later listened to concerns related to transportation and medical services.

In addition, he exchanged with the workers of the V-10-66 Picking Center, belonging to the Tobacco Collection and Processing Company.

The head of state was interested in salaries, the obtaining of profits and the presence of young people in the entity’s group.

The third point in their journey was the Sumidero Forestry Base Business Unit, a group that closed last year with few profits, which were not enough to benefit the workers’ salaries.

The entity aims to diversify its production in 2024, so it is already immersed in the planting of fruit trees and ornamental plants, as well as plans to increase resin extraction and the production of charcoal and coffee.

This is the third time this year that Díaz-Canel visits the municipalities of Pinar del Río, as part of the tours carried out by the country’s highest leadership to evaluate the priorities of the period.
