Friday, July 26, 2024
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French politician: US blockade against Cuba is unacceptable

Paris, Mar 25 (Prensa Latina) The deputy of La France Insumise (LFI) Rodrigo Arenas considered the blockade imposed by the United States against Cuba unacceptable, arguing the right of each country to independence and sovereignty.

“We cannot accept that in a shared world, someone is trying to deprive a country of its self-determination when what should prevail is fraternity and solidarity in the face of common challenges,” the parliamentarian told Prensa Latina.

According to Arenas, the policy of the United States is even more questionable in the case of Cuba, because its supportive and selfless contribution to so many countries in difficulty is well known. That is why it is inconceivable that Cuba remains under a blockade that seeks to prevent its people from choosing their destiny, he stressed.

Regarding Franco-Cuban relations, the deputy highlighted that there are common interests, ranging from the fight against the consequences of climate change to actions in favor of food security and human well-being.

“We always have a lot to learn from each other, let us not forget that France has a part of its compatriots in the Caribbean, in territories such as Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Barthelemy and Saint Martin, a region particularly threatened by climate change,” he said, and insisted that in the face of humanity’s multiple challenges, the only logical path is inclusion, solidarity, peace, and fraternity.

“We have these obligations if we think about the world that we will leave to the generations to come behind,” said the politician, who last weekend was among the guests in Bordeaux at the general assembly of the France Cuba association, one of the oldest in the world in solidarity with Cuba.
