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Moldovan farmers call for limiting grain imports

Chisinau, Mar 25 (Prensa Latina) According to Russian ¨Sputnik¨, Moldovan agricultural producers today urged their government to introduce a permanent mechanism to limit imports of cereals and oil seeds, first of all, from Ukraine, the Farmers' Force alliance revealed.

‘The association calls on the government to introduce a permanent mechanism for limiting imports of wheat, corn, sunflower as of March 27.

We heard that the Ministry of Agriculture plans to analyze the stocks (of cereals, and only then will it make the decision.

We think it is irresponsible and dangerous, portal quotes.

The association noted that, due to the growth of grain imports from Ukraine, domestic food prices collapsed in the country, which led to the bankruptcy of many local farmers.

Activists recalled that in October 2023, at the request of the organization and with a long delay, the government introduced a licensing system for imports of wheat, corn and sunflower.

On December 27, 2023, the Agency Commission extended the licensing mechanism for another three months, but this week it expires.

Protests began in the southern regions of Moldova on February 8.

From February 10, farmers from other areas joined these activists, and from February 12 to 23, protesters blocked the customs office in Leusseni, on the border with Romania, with tractors.

The farmers thus expressed their indignation at Moldovan President Maia Sandu’s statement that agriculture was not a priority for the country’s economy.

In late February, the farmers paused their protests in response to the authorities’ promise to help them by providing loans.
