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Cubans defend their Revolution, Dominican MIU states

Santo Domingo, Mar 27 (Prensa Latina) The United Left Movement (MIU) of the Dominican Republic stated that the Cuban people are defending their Revolution with dignity, on the basis of the ideas of the independence heroes and the legacy of the historic leader, Fidel Castro.

While recalling the signing here of the Manifesto of Montecristi by Cuban National Hero José Martí and General Máximo Gómez, a Dominican citizen, 129 years ago, the political group indicated that the Cuban people are still standing firm.

Based on those pro-independence ideas, on the 1959 Revolution and the legacy of Fidel Castro and his comrades, Cubans defend their independence and their Revolution with the highest dignity and resistance, together with international solidarity, against pressure by the United States, which persists in maintaining an inhumane blockade.

In the text, signed by its Secretariat of International Relations, the MIU recalled that José Martí described the Manifesto of Montecristi as a guiding document for Cuba’s independence in the war of 1895.

“It is the official document of the then Cuban Revolutionary Party, with the ideas put forward by Martí and under his signature, together with that of Gómez, which gave light to the achievement of independence in a process of struggles, battles and victories that keeps the history of the heroic Cuban people, crossed by heroes, heroes of yesterday, today and always…”

Earlier this week, MIU General Secretary Miguel Mejía charged that the United States is enforcing a policy of economic terrorism against Cuba.

Mejía blamed Washington for the Cuban people’s precariousness as a result of the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed for more than six decades by successive US administrations, an unjust policy that has been intensified in recent years.

The political leader informed that this week he will travel to Havana to sign an agreement with the Communist Party of Cuba, and noted that doing so at this time is an act of courage and loyalty.
