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Lebanon files 22 complaints to UN over Israeli aggressions (+Photos)

Beirut, Mar 27 (Prensa Latina) The Lebanese Foreign Ministry filed copies of 22 letters and complaints against Israel at the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers on Wednesday, addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the President of the Security Council.

Through its Permanent Mission to the multilateral body, Lebanon documented the Israeli violations of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 since the attacks on the country’s southern region started in October.

According to the Ministry’s report on X, Beirut urged Security Council members to condemn the bombings collectively and called for ending Tel Aviv’s violations of national sovereignty.

Lebanon also called for preventing the outbreak of a full-scale regional war due to Israel’s continued hostility.

According to the Lebanese diplomacy, some of these complaints also included detailed responses to Israeli accusations of Lebanon’s alleged violations of Resolution 1701.

In its letters to the UN Security Council, Lebanon filed an agenda to achieve sustainable stability in the southern region through the comprehensive implementation of Resolution 1701.
