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Xi calls for more China-US people-to-people exchanges

Beijing, Mar 27 (Prensa Latina) President Xi Jinping called on Wednesday for more people-to-people exchanges between China and the United States during a meeting with representatives of the US business and academic sectors in this capital.

Xi also expressed his hopes for people from all occupations in both countries to communicate with more interaction to build consensus.

The president pointed out that the bilateral relations have a history of friendly exchanges between the two nations.

The head of State said that different customs are natural and will always exist; the important thing is to find common grounds to put differences aside.

The National Committee on US-China Relations, the US-China National Trade Committee, and the Council on Asian Relations organized the meeting.

According to CCTV, attending the event were: Blackstone Group Chairman and CEO Stephen Schwarzman, FedEx CEO Raj Subramaniam, and Qualcomm president Cristiano Amon.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met before with leaders of the National Committee on US-China Relations to overcome Washington’s misperception of Beijing as its main strategic rival and top geopolitical challenge.
