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Cuban research center to dedicate publication to Venezuela

Havana, Mar 28 (Prensa Latina) 'Venezuela: external projection and role in international relations' will be the main theme of the April-June issue of "Cuadernos de Nuestra América," a publication from the Cuban Research Center for International Politics (CIPI).

The call, to which Prensa Latina had access, indicates that researchers and political analysts may submit proposals for scientific articles to be considered for inclusion in the 11th issue of the magazine.

The theme chosen for the next issue invites to explore the various facets and projections of Venezuelan foreign policy, delving into its internal and external factors, the document says.

It also urges to examine its intersection with global geopolitics and relations with other stockholders at world and regional levels.

Twenty years after the founding of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA), it is convenient to think about the lessons learned from that experience, which placed on its horizon the construction of an integrated and autonomous regional forum for Our America, says the text from the Havana-based academic institution.

The invitation recognizes that the ALBA integrationist project continues to be a relevant and necessary objective today.

Papers may be sent to by May 15, 2024, and articles must comply with the journal’s editorial rules, which can be consulted at

The CIPI has more than 40 researcher-professors and keeps close relations of scientific exchange and collaboration with research centers, universities and academic organizations in Cuba and other countries.

Its mission is to conduct medium and long-term prospective research in the fields of politics and international relations, with a strategic vision on global and regional problems and priority actors, particularly in the United States, Latin America and the Caribbean.
