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Cuba commemorates Land Day

Havana, Mar 30 (Prensa Latina) Cuba on Saturday commemorates the Land Day with continued solidarity demonstrations and call for a permanent cease-fire in Gaza.

On Saturday, a political-cultural event will be held at the headquarters of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP).

Watan Jamil Alabed, a Palestinian doctor who graduated in Cuba, explained in the TV program Mesa Redonda (Round Table) that the activity will be the perfect setting for young people from his country and other nationalities to join the call to turn March 30 into the International Day of the Palestinian Land.

He stressed this date recalls and reaffirms the Palestinians’ conviction and attachment to their land. “Palestine is presently showing its resilience and love for its land, despite bombings, death and pain,” Alabed, while recalling that since the Revolution triumphed, Cuba has expressed its full support to the Palestinian cause and this fact, in his opinion, is being reflected in all students and doctors from his country trained in Cuba.

The Land Day commemorates when, on March 30, 1976, Palestinians living in Arab cities inside Israel conducted a general strike and demonstrated against the Israeli government’s control of their land.

Six Palestinians were killed back then by Israeli policemen.

In the midst of international rejection and in complicity with the United States, Israel killed over 32,000 Palestinians since the beginning of the Oct. 7 aggression.
