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Pakistan to send new assistance to besieged Palestinian territories

Islamabad, Mar 30 (Prensa Latina) Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari on Saturday promised to send a new aid shipment including food and medicine for the Palestinian territories besieged by Israel, plunged in a serious humanitarian crisis.

After welcoming the Palestinian Ambassador Ahmed Jawad Rabei, Zardari claimed his country has historical relations with Palestine and will continue supporting it in every international forum, according to the Associated Press of Pakistan (APP).

The Pakistani leader described as very painful to witness the genocide committed by Tel Aviv in the occupied territories, whose inhabitants, he said, are an example of courage and resistance in their long struggle against the Israeli occupation. Plus, he urged the international community to make efforts for the free flow of humanitarian assistance to Gaza.

The Palestinian diplomat, on the other hand, mentioned the atrocities and terror unleashed by the Israeli forces against his compatriots in the Gaza Strip.

He praised Pakistan’s support in education sector, with more than 50,000 Palestinians graduating in various disciplines from Pakistani educational institutions.

Finally, he conveyed to Zardari the warm greetings of President Mahmoud Abbas, while thanking the government and people of Pakistan for their continued solidarity.
