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Armenia considers US and EU its major partners

Yerevan, Apr 1 (Prensa Latina) Armenia considers the United States and the European Union (EU) its leading partners, Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan stated on Monday.

Mirzoyan noted that Yerevan is deepening economic and political relations with the EU and Washington but stressed that this is not a pivot in the country’s foreign policy.

“I would not call it a pivot; we are trying to ensure our security and development along the democratic path and institutions, and we see good partners in the West for this,” the foreign minister said.

The head of Armenian diplomacy also ruled out plans to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Mirzoyan added, “We are already cooperating with NATO; we are taking part in peacekeeping operations in Afghanistan, increasing our presence in Kosovo. As for plans to join NATO, then no. Today, this matter is not on Armenia’s agenda.”
