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Venezuela sets commissions to probe hospital’s fire

Caracas, Apr 1 (Prensa Latina) The Venezuelan Government has set up special commissions to investigate and determine responsibility for deadly fire occurred at the Genesis Petit Oncology Hospital, located in Zulia state, reporters informed on Monday.

The Venezuelan News Agency quoted a post by Sectoral Vice President of Public Works and Services Néstor Reverol who lashed out at the attack on Zulia’s people occurred on Sunday afternoon.

Reverol, who also serves as Electrical Energy Minister, strongly condemned the incident has “damaged a trailer attached to the facilities which contained specialized equipment to treat cancer patients.”

Reverol stressed that “special commissions were immediately activated to find those responsible for this criminal act.”

In this regard, President Nicolás Maduro ordered “the immediate recovery of the hospital to guarantee the health of Zulia’s people and assured “nothing will disturb the peace we have achieved!
