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Iraqi Resistance drones attack Israeli air base

Baghdad, Apr 2 (Prensa Latina) Drones from the Iraqi Resistance attacked the Israeli Tel Nof air base in central Israel.

According to the group, the strike against the base is part of operations against enemy strongholds and in support of the people of the Gaza Strip.

The attack reaffirmed the Resistance approach to the occupation and constitutes a response to the Zionist massacres against Palestinian civilians, including children, women and the elderly.

This is the second time in two days that Iraqi fighters have attacked a vital Israeli target using UAVs after hitting the Eilat naval military base.

In January, the secretary general of the Sayyed Al-Shuhadaa Brigades in Iraq, Abu Alaa al-Walai, explained that the new phase of Resistance operations would include the blockade of Israeli maritime navigation in the Mediterranean and attacking Israeli ports to put them out of commission.
