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Hospital workers insist on wage hike in Ecuador

Quito, Apr 2 (Prensa Latina) Workers of the León Becerra Hospital in the Ecuadorian city of Guayaquil denounced today that they have not received their salaries for 10 months.

The Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security (IESS) does not pay us, we have 10 months without salary.

In spite of all this, we continue to provide care, but it is not fair, denounced Dr. Maria Caicedo to Ecuavisa channel.

Last February, the Ministry of Economy and Finance assured they would begin to cover all public sector salaries.

The national government inherited a serious fiscal situation.

However, since its inauguration it has adopted mechanisms to cover the emerging payments and to advance in the reduction of the arrears”, indicated the Ministry in a statement.

So far, claims continue to be made to the Executive due to lack of payments, mainly in the public health sector.

Ecuador has arrears in payments to state suppliers, local administrations, social security entities and public employees for approximately 419 million dollars.

Most of the arrears correspond to public employees’ salaries.

A report revealed by the digital portal Primicias shows that 77 percent of them are in the payrolls of the Ministry of Health, Education, Government and Defense.

Recently, representatives of medical unions warned about the existing shortage in the country’s hospitals, while the Government confirmed the payment of US$ 273 million corresponding to foreign debt bonds.

Ecuador’s liquidity situation is so serious that only teachers, police and military have received their salaries for the month of January, the rest of the civil servants have their salaries pending. For economist Pablo Davalos, in this context, the fact that the government prioritizes the payment of the debt should be qualified as indolence and lack of solidarity.
