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Cuban Young Communists discuss crucial issues of society

Havana, Apr 3 (Prensa Latina) Members of the Cuban Young Communist League (UJC, in Spanish) are debating on Wednesday, the first official day of the 12th Congress of the organization, crucial issues of society, and the challenges of the new generations.

Some 400 delegates and nearly 100 guests are analyzing in commissions issues related to the organic functioning of the UJC, the organization’s cadre policy, and the defense of the homeland.

Gathered at the Havana-based Conference Center, the youth also review productive economic issues, social policies, political-ideological work, and work with student organizations.

As part of the Congress’ activities on Tuesday, they received an update on implementing the Comprehensive Policy for Children, Adolescents, and Youth.

During a debate with the Cuban ministers of Education, Higher Education, Communications, Labor and Social Security, Health, and Science, Technology, and Environment, they were interested in how much the country is doing to insert young people into the labor market, how teenage pregnancy is addressed, and the participation of social workers in the transformation of communities.

This Tuesday, centers and outstanding young people were awarded the Flag of Honor, the Julio Antonio Mella Order, and the Abel Santamaría and José Antonio Echeverría Medals.

In the ceremony, to which President Miguel Díaz-Canel attended, UJC Second Secretary Meyvis Estévez stressed that Cuba has a firm and loyal youth, “aware of its challenges, committed to its time and its history,” and inspired by the ideas and legacy of the historic leader of the Revolution, Fidel Castro.

The 12th Congress of the UJC is celebrating the 62nd anniversary of the organization, which was founded by Fidel Castro on April 4, 1962, under the theme “Create your Happiness.” A year before, the José Martí Pioneers Organization (OPJM, in Spanish) had been constituted on the same date.
