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President of Bolivia to participate in CELAC forum on Mexican embassy

La Paz, Apr 16 (Prensa Latina) President of Bolivia Luis Arce will speak at the virtual meeting convened by the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) on the invasion of the Mexican embassy in Quito by Ecuadorian police forces.

Arce confirmed his will to do so on the 7th of the current month in a telephone conversation with his Mexican counterpart, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to whom he expressed solidarity for what happened at the embassy. The Bolivian dignitary expressed the hope that decisions will be made at the meetings convened by multilateral organizations that prevent events of this type from repeating in the future.

“(..) we have summoned our Bolivian ambassador to Ecuador for this Monday. Furthermore, (…) we have summoned the Ambassador of Ecuador to our country so that she can provide information about what happened. (…) We reiterate that the defense of the inviolable character of embassies is a matter of principles, as well as the Latin American tradition of asylum, in which Mexico is a vanguard,” Arce wrote on X.

Foreign Minister Celinda Sosa, in turn, warned that the invasion of the Mexican embassy by the Ecuadorian police endangers the coexistence and brotherhood of the people of Latin America and the world, and emphasized that the invasion generated great rejection by all countries, both left and right, and that multilateral organizations such as CELAC, the Bolivarian Alliance of the Peoples of Our America, the Organization of American States and other international institutions agreed on that point of view.

“Bolivia we will always defend diplomacy, self-determination, democracy, unity, and integration of our Latin American countries because what happened in Ecuador is intolerable,” Sosa said.

López Obrador confirmed that at this Tuesday’s meeting, he will defend Mexico’s position against Ecuador, and stressed that at the event they will address the complaint presented to the International Court of Justice that requests to suspend Ecuador from the United Nations Organization until it formally apologizes for raiding the Mexican embassy in Quito.
