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Presidents of Russia and Iran discuss situation in the Middle East

Moscow, April 16 (Prensa Latina) Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed with his Iranian counterpart, Ebrahim Raisi, the ongoing tensions in the Middle East amid the escalation between Israel and Iran, the Kremlin's press service reported today.

“The heightened situation in the Middle East after Israel carried out an airstrike on the Iranian diplomatic mission in Damascus and the retaliation taken by Iran were examined in detail,” the presidential communication indicates.

The note specifies that “Putin expressed the hope that all parties will demonstrate reasonable restraint and not allow a new spiral of confrontation fraught with disastrous consequences for the entire region.”

Raisi, for his part, said that Iran’s latest steps were forced, and that the Persian country has no interest in further escalating tensions.

“Both parties confirmed that the root cause of the current events in the Middle East is the lack of a solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict,” the text states.

In this sense, the two leaders reaffirmed their commitment to an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the creation of conditions to provide a political and diplomatic solution to the conflict.

Iran launched a massive attack with drones and missiles against Israel on April 13 in retaliation for the bombing of the Iranian consulate in Damascus, which claimed the lives of several officers from elite units of the armed forces of the Persian nation.

The several-hour attack was the first to be carried out directly from Iran, although it also involved the participation of allied forces of that country in Syria, Iraq and Yemen.

In turn, the Iranian state television channel Press TV reported that all hypersonic missiles reached their targets.

According to the Israel Defense Forces, some 300 projectiles, 170 drones and 30 cruise missiles were launched, although only “a few missiles” reached the country’s territory and caused minor damage.

On Sunday, Iran ended its retaliation operation, but warned that if Israel attempts action on its soil or against Iranian facilities in Syria or another country, the following response will be even greater.

The minister without portfolio and also a member of the Israeli War Cabinet, Benny Gantz, for his part, stated that Israel intends to create a regional coalition against Iran and respond to the attack in a timely and appropriate manner.
