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Two historic dates for Syria and Cuba are commemorated in Damascus (+Photos)

Damascus, Apr 16 (Prensa Latina) The 78th anniversary of Syria's independence and the 63 years of Cuba’s victory in Playa Girón (Bay of Pigs) were commemorated in two institutions of the Army and the Armed Forces of Syria on Tuesday.

At the Women’s Military Academy, the ambassador and members of the Cuban diplomatic mission here reiterated the historic relations between the two nations and the meaning of these two dates that coincidentally took place in April.

The director of the Academy, Brigadier General Nadima Suleiman, had words of praise for the Cuban people’s resistance for decades against the blockade and the hostile policy imposed by the Government of the United States.

She considered that with the victory at Playa Girón, Cuba set an example of courage and determination to the world to defend its sovereignty against the imperialist aggressor.

Our relations are solid and we are in the same trench to defend the peoples’ just causes, the military officer highlighted.

She thanked Cuba for its support in the fields of education and health care, and called to extend and reactivate cooperation in many other fields at the level of very good political relations.

Cuban Ambassador Luis Mariano Fernández Rodríguez, in turn, explained the epic of Playa Girón, which was the first great defeat of imperialism in Latin America.

He reiterated Cuba’s support for and solidarity with Syria, which is facing an unjust war to defend its sovereignty and independence, and reiterated Havana’s position in condemning interference in Syrian affairs and demanding the withdrawal of foreign troops illegally present in Syria.

Rodríguez congratulated the academy’s leadership for its achievements in training young cadets, the rigor of the academic level, but above all for the values they transmit.

On their tour of the military academy, the Cuban visitors confirmed the consequences of Israel’s aggression against the building that houses the classrooms at the Academy. When referring to such events, they reiterated their condemnation of Israel’s repeated violations of Syria’s sovereignty and described them as criminal acts.

As part of the commemorative day, the Cuban Embassy workers laid a wreath at the monument of the Unknown Soldier in the town of Najha, on the outskirts of this capital.

They also visited the grave of Cuban soldier Eugenio Calvo Pérez, who fell on Syrian soil on May 14, 1974, during the participation of an international tankers brigade in the liberation war.
