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Bolivia to summon Argentine ambassador to give explanations

La Paz, Apr 17 (Prensa Latina) The Bolivian Foreign Ministry will summon the ambassador of Argentina to explain "unfortunate and reckless" statements made by Minister of Security of Argentina Patricia Bulrich.

Bulrich stated in a televised interview that there is a state of alert on the common border. As a pretext to justify this measure, considered hostile by Bolivia, the Argentinian Minister argued that there is a link between Bolivia and Iran on a military level, and even elite Iranian forces (Quds force) could be present in the region.

“We deny and emphatically reject that Bolivia is protecting on its borders people who spread terror, insecurity and anxiety. These accusations lack evidence or documentation and are made without any basis,” the Bolivian Government responded in an official dispatch.

The Bolivian communication assures that political relations are “stronger and more solid than the unfortunate expressions of circumstantial functionaries of the Argentine Government,” and warns that it seeks to “generate confrontations between States, Governments and Latin American countries, causing unnecessary friction.” Bolivia also expresses its respect and appreciation for the Argentine people and reiterates that Bolivia will choose the path of dialogue.

According to the statement, in the next few hours, the Foreign Ministry will summon the Argentine ambassador to provide explanations about “the unfortunate and mistaken statements of Minister Bullrich.”

The Administration of President Luis Arce advocates in different international forums for the consolidation of Latin America and the Caribbean as a region of peace, following the Political Constitution, which defines Bolivia as pacifist.
