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China underscores consensus with Germany in various areas

Beijing, Apr 17 (Prensa Latina) China underscored on Wednesday the consensus reached with Germany in various areas after the recently concluded official visit of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to China.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian confirmed the establishment of the China-Germany dialogue and cooperation mechanism on climate change and green transition, with its first high-level meeting scheduled for June 2024.

He also said the two sides agreed on setting up a working group on carbon reduction and announced the 26th Meeting of the Joint Committee on Science-Technology Cooperation between the two countries will be held in 2024.

In the field of practical cooperation, Lin Jian referred that action plans will be jointly implemented in areas such as agricultural collaboration, renewable energy and international development cooperation.

Meanwhile, China will lift restrictions on imports of beef and apples from Germany, the spokesperson assured.

According to the authority, both sides will strengthen cooperation in tourism, youth exchanges and expand traffic rights for passenger and cargo transport between the two nations.

During his official visit, Chancellor Scholz and Chinese President Li Qiang attended a meeting with the China-Germany economic advisory committee and witnessed the signing of agreements on economy, trade, agriculture and green development.

In dialogue with the German chancellor, President Xi Jinping stressed the deep interconnectedness of industrial and supply chains between his country and Germany, as well as the high interdependence of those markets.

The head of State pointed to the vast potential for collaboration in traditional sectors such as machinery and automobiles, as well as in emerging areas such as green transition, digitalization and artificial intelligence.

According to Xi, both countries have strong industrial bases, support free trade and economic globalization, so they should remain vigilant against the rise of protectionism and take an objective view on the issue of capacity, from a market perspective.
