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Cuba hosts May Day International Volunteer Work Brigade

Havana, Apr 22 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban Institute of Friendship with Peoples (ICAP) is hosting on Monday the 17th May Day International Brigade of Volunteer Work and Solidarity with Cuba, integrated by more than 250 persons from all over the world.

The members of the 17th May Day Brigade will participate, from this Monday to May 4th, in the International Workers’ Day celebrations along with the members of the Ernesto Che Guevara Brigade from Canada, the organization informed.

According to ICAP’s call, the brigade members could learn more about the current reality and transformations in the country, despite the tightened policy of economic, commercial, and financial blockade of the United States against Cuba.

The activities include the usual volunteer work days, visits to historical, economic, cultural, and social interest sites, and meetings with the people and representatives of several organizations.

During their stay in Cuba, the visitors will carry out an extensive program that, in addition to the capital, will be extended to the provinces of Artemisa (west) and Cienfuegos (center) and, mainly, the headquarters of the “Julio Antonio Mella” International Camp in Caimito municipality, 45 kilometers west of Havana.
