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Arevalo details progress of his administration´s first 100 days

Guatemala City, Apr 23 (Prensa Latina) Guatemalan President Bernardo Arevalo detailed on Tuesday progresses of the first days of his Government, such as 34 denunciations of corruption cases.

In a central avenue of the capital, in the same place where over a year ago, as standard bearer of the Seed Movement, Arevalo announced his plan, the president said that they came to office knowing there were many challenges ahead to face. Among these challenges is the crackdown on corruption, and noted that public funds in the past fed rotten political structures.

Arevalo stated he was certain that these, “that perverse minority, fattened their pockets and tried to perpetuate a system that rewarded their immorality at the expense of health, education and development of the people of Guatemala.”
