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Colombian president issued new alert on attacks on his governmet

Bogota, Apr 23 (Prensa Latina) Colombian President Gustavo Petro warned again on Tuesday about expressions of hatred by right-wing sectors against the defenders of his government, and attacks perpetrated by ultra-radical people.

In a message on his social network X, the head of State wrote that 13 journalists have been attacked nationwide in marches against Uribe’s supporters, and warned about the death cries and threats against those who the aggressors consider in favor of Petro.

He pointed out that the response to the gestures of his cabinet to invite these people to work in peace and discuss the reforms is to break the debate in Congress permanently and also fill his people with hatred, lies and fake news in order to start building the coup.

He considered that in order to incriminate him again and again they invent facts.

In that, Barbosa – in reference to former Attorney General Francisco Barbosa (2020-2024) – helped them to the maximum, ‘torturing my son, violating his room where his wife was naked; they raided unions, they even affirmed that the workers’ money donated to political parties is criminal, but not those of the owners of the Health Promoting Companies (EPS) or those of the owners of the press,’ he remarked.

The objective is clear, they are looking for an excuse to overthrow the President of the Republic because he defends the workers, the farmers, the indigenous people, the neglected regions and the poor neighborhoods.

Petro added that the opponents do not like that he does not go to the clubs of the powerful to sell the treasury for crumbs.

I will not be here beyond August 2026, but the popular mandate leads me to stay not a day less. History will be the judge later,’ he assured.
