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Internationalist brigades are materializing solidarity with Cuba

Havana, Apr 24 (Prensa Latina) International solidarity brigades visiting Cuba are doing several activities in the country on Wednesday that will allow them to get to know the reality and the transformations this nation is making to benefit its people.

The 17th International Brigade of Volunteer Work and Solidarity with Cuba, with more than 250 members from all continents, has been doing productive work since early Wednesday.

The Brigade’s members will also meet with prominent sports figures and directors of the National Institute of Sports, Physical Education, and Recreation to learn about the development of these areas in Cuba.

In turn, the members of the Ernesto Guevara Brigade from Canada will visit the “Raul Sánchez” Vocational School of Arts, a home for children without parental care, and a Committee for the Defense of the Revolution.

According to the Cuban Institute of the Peoples (ICAP), both brigades will accompany the International Workers’ Day celebrations in Cuba on May 1st.

As part of their actions in the country, to last until May 7, they will participate in the International Meeting of Solidarity with Cuba and Anti-Imperialism, 200 years after the Monroe Doctrine.
