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name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Cubans prepare to celebrate May Day

Havana, Apr 29 (Prensa Latina) Cubans are arranging the final details for the Workers' Day parade on May Day, which annually brings together thousands of nationals and foreigners in this capital.

This year, the parade’s central venue will be the José Martí Anti-imperialist Tribune, where nearly 200,000 people from five Havana municipalities will gather.

This Sunday, a few hours before the May Day celebration, dozens of Havana residents carried out volunteer work to decorate the Tribune, the Government of Havana informed on the X platform.

The Provincial Commission for Road Safety in the capital announced organizational measures to ensure mobility during the proletarian event.

The principal squares in the rest of the country’s provinces are also preparing to receive the crowd of Cubans who will celebrate the 65th anniversary of the first workers’ parade held in this nation after the triumph of the Revolution in January 1959.

According to Cuban Workers Confederation (CTC)’s General Secretary Ulises Guilarte, the Cubans will demand on May Day the end to the US economic, financial, and commercial blockade against Cuba and its removal from Washington’s arbitrary list of State Sponsors of Terrorism (SSOT).

As every year, the May Day solidarity brigade will join the celebration, this time with its more than 250 members from all continents.
