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Twenty one companies qualify for lithium bidding process

La Paz, May 16 (Prensa Latina) The state-owned Yacimientos de Litio Bolivianos (YLB) holds today 21 candidates and 22 project proposals for the third phase of the second international call for aspiring investors in seven salt flats in the country.

‘Within Phase II, of the international call for companies interested on the Development of Projects and Technology for Evaporite Resources, 21 proponents and 22 project proposals are qualified for the next phase’, highlights Thursday an YLB communiqué.

The institutional note states that in Phase III, the qualified bidders must prove their financial capacity to execute the proposed projects within 10 working days of notification, including audited financial statements for the last five years.

Likewise, the file must include the risk rating issued by entities of recognized international prestige with a minimum rating of A3 on the scale of the Financial System Supervisory Authority (ASFI) or its equivalent level in the case of any national or international risk rating agency.

The documentation will be verified by YLB under the methodology complies/does not comply -the state-owned company specified-, and the results will be notified through e-mail, up to five working days after, according to the call’.

In January of this year, the second international call for new evaporite resources projects was officially presented.

There are seven salt flats available in the departments of Potosí and Oruro: Uyuni, Coipasa, Pastos Grandes, Capina, Cañapa, Chiguana and Empexa.

Among the main requirements of the call for proposals are compliance with the Bolivian business model on natural resources, respect for the communities and peoples where activities will be developed and for the environment and Mother Earth, according to the authorities.

This new call was the result of the interest of numerous international companies, in different meetings with representatives of the national government, to participate in the industrialization of Bolivia’s natural resources, according to the institutional note.
