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Bolivian Book Fair honors Cuban poet

La Paz, Jun 5 (Prensa Latina) The International Book Fair in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, is paying tribute on Wednesday to Cuban poet Waldo Leyva as part of the 11th Poetry Meeting of that city, which brings together 57 bards from eight countries.

“Cuban poet Waldo Leyva, winner of the Casa de America Award, is the guest of honor of this meeting,” the organizing committee told Prensa Latina in a release.

The document adds that writers from Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Italy, Mexico, and Venezuela have been invited.

The sources informed that after being honored as a guest of honor this Wednesday, the Cuban bard will participate in a reading table with his colleagues Patricia Gutierrez, Marcelo Canavire, Paura Rodriguez, and Tania Ganitsky (Colombia).

As a closure of the 11th Poetry Meeting, which started on June 3, Leyva and the other foreign guests will offer a reading in Samaipata at the La Mexicana Cultural Center on June 8, in which residents in Santa Cruz and members of the Llamarada Verde and Trueque Poetico workshops will participate.
