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Cambodian Senate president supports Cuba against US blockade

Phnom Penh, Jun 6 (Prensa Latina) Senate President Hun Sen reiterated that the Kingdom of Cambodia currently maintains its unchanged position in favor of lifting the economic, commercial, and financial blockade imposed by the United States against Cuba for more than six decades.

The Senate president ratified this solidarity position during a meeting with Cuba’s new Ambassador to Cambodia, Milena Zaldivar, whom he congratulated after presenting her credentials to King Norodom Sihamoni and assured her support by performing her duties.

Hun Sen, who is also the president of the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP), expressed his commitment to implement the consensus reached and find new ways to diversify bilateral cooperation and strengthen parliamentary relations between the two nations.

Zaldivar, in turn, conveyed to Hun Sen her commitment to work hard to strengthen relations between Cuba and the Kingdom of Cambodia and implement the agreements signed during the high-level talks.

In the meeting, which took place in a cordial atmosphere, both nations reviewed the historical bilateral relations, noting the high level of political dialogue and both governments’ willingness to expand and strengthen cooperation in areas of common interest.
