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name of Prensa Latina



Prensa Latina´s work in Syria and its defense of the truth

Damascus, June 10 (Prensa Latina) Syrian journalists, diplomats, academics and officials today highlighted the efforts of Prensa Latina news agency, in an activity organized in this capital on occasion of the 65th anniversary of the founding of this medium.

In his words delivered during the event, the island’s ambassador, Luis Mariano Fernández Rodríguez, offered an explanation about the circumstances in which Prensa Latina emerged and the success it has had in reflecting the truth and defending the just causes of the people despite of the enormous challenges that this medium faced.

In turn, the president of the agency Luis Enrique González sent greetings from Havana to those present and spoke of the efforts of this medium every day to disseminate news in Latin America and the world with objectivity, responsibility and commitment to the well-being and progress of all humanity.

He considered that for more than six decades, Prensa Latina faced multiple challenges and difficulties, but today it is the number one media outlet in Cuba, and its correspondents are present in 36 countries.

From Cuba we consider that the main challenge now is to be faithful to the basic objective for which Prensa Latina was founded and make this message a goal that we achieve, the journalist said.

In turn, the current correspondent of the agency in Syria Fady Marouf spoke a few words in which he clarified that 11 war correspondents from Prensa Latina were in Syria making their contribution to the truth.

These journalists were on the front lines alongside the Syrian army in its war against terrorist groups in Aleppo, Palmyra, Deir Ezzor, Deraa, Eastern Ghouta, Idlib, and many other places, he said.

Marouf remembered the over fifty Syrian journalists who lost their lives during the performance of their duty, and some were injured in retaliation attacks for their journalistic work in favor of the truth, such as journalist Ayman Wanous, who lost both legs, in a cowardly terrorist attack in 2012.

Between the years 2012 and 2018, when Damascus was surrounded by armies of radicals and in the midst of full military, political and media pressure that generated confusion in Syrian society, Prensa Latina correspondents have not lost optimism in the victory of the Syrian people. about terrorism and aggression, inspired by the faith and resistance they acquired in their country, Cuba, the correspondent stated.

Likewise, he highlighted the excellent cooperation between SANA and Prensa Latina agencies, two sister media in the fight against distortion campaigns that affect the two countries and all the peoples fighting for their freedom and sovereignty.

Prensa Latina in Syria works guided by the words of Masseti, which are more relevant and necessary than ever, when he said: “it is cowardice to be impartial, because you cannot be impartial between good and evil, between what is just and what is unjust, between the oppressed and the oppressor.

During the activity, images taken by Prensa Latina correspondents during their coverage of the situation in Syria were projected, in addition to the documentary “Syria Resists” which is a joint production between SANA and Prensa Latina and supervised by journalist and war correspondent Miguel Fernández Martinez.

Badges of recognition were also awarded on this occasion to the agency’s correspondent chief Fady Marouf for his informative work and also to Tele sur correspondent Hisham Wanous.
