Friday, July 26, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Paris, Jul 15 (Prensa Latina) The prefect of the Paris Region, Marc Guillaume, insisted on Monday that the quality of the Seine waters will allow holding the triathlon, paratriathlon and marathon events during the Paris-2024 Olympic Games.
Madrid, Jun 10 (Prensa Latina) Of the 160 million children who work in the world, 79 million do so in dangerous jobs, denounced today the Spanish NGO Manos Unidas 'United hands'.
Bern, May 2 (Prensa Latina) Plants contributed, and still do, to shaping the habitat conditions on Earth, although today they are the main victims of climate change, a study by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH) has revealed.
Port-Au-Prince, Mar 1 (Prensa Latina) Haiti might hold general elections in August 2025, a vital step to reestablish the order and constitutionality that this Caribbean country lacks at present.
Santiago de Chile, Oct 7 (Prensa Latina) Chilean air traffic controllers ended a strike for labor and safety improvements, but they warned about going back on strike on October 27 if they demands are not met.
Port-au-Prince, Aug 22 (Prensa Latina) The Center for Analysis and Research on Human Rights (CARDH) on Tuesday denounced the precarious conditions of refugees from violence in Haiti, and encouraged the Government to assist the displaced.
Las Tunas, Cuba, Aug 7 (Prensa Latina) Rains deteriorated the conditions at the Julio Antonio Mella stadium, so the second game of playoffs of the Cuban Baseball Series between Industriales and Las Tunas was postponed on Sunday.
Beirut, Jun 23 (Prensa Latina) The deputy head of the Executive Council of Hezbollah, Ali Damoush, on Friday rejected the stubbornness and imposition of conditions by some political forces on the presidential elections in Lebanon.