Friday, July 26, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Accra, Jul 19 (Prensa Latina) The 45th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council of the African Union (AU) debates the draft budget for 2025, deficiencies in the contributions of member states and the Peace Fund.
Luanda, Feb 19 (Prensa Latina) Angola and Ghana strengthened on Monday their cooperation with the signing of nine legal instruments, within the sixth ministerial session of the Bilateral Commission of the two countries.
Accra, Feb 12 (Prensa Latina) Seven royal artifacts looted 150 years ago by British colonial forces from Ghana's ancient Asante kingdom and kept by a United States museum have been returned and presented to the kingdom on Thursday, the latest of a series of stolen treasured items being repatriated to several African countries.
Accra, Nov 14 (Prensa Latina) With the laying of a wreath at the monument of Kwame Nkrumah, first president of Ghana (1960-1966), Cuban Vice President Salvador Valdes Mesa began his second day of official visit to the African country.
Accra, Nov 14 (Prensa Latina) With the laying of a wreath at the monument of Kwame Nkrumah, the first president of Ghana (1960-1966), Cuban Vice President Salvador Valdés Mesa began the second day of his official visit to this African country.
Accra, Oct 9 (Prensa Latina) The first ambassador of Ghana in Cuba (1983-1988), Kojo Owusu Gyamadua Amoo-Gottfried, will receive the Friendship Medal awarded by the government of Cuba in recognition of his support and defense of the Cuban revolution.
Accra, Jul 15 (Prensa Latina) Next August, Ghana will have a refinery that will produce liquefied petroleum gas, airplane fuel, gasoline, diesel and fuel oil, the Minister of Trade and Industry K.T. Hammond confirmed.
Tokyo, May 26 (Prensa Latina) Cuban and Ghanaian artists performed in a concert in this capital on Friday dedicated to Africa Day and motivated by the friendship rooted in blood, cultural, and historic ties that unite the two countries.